Frequently Asked Questions
Students, parents/guardians and the Lemont High School community may have questions about the school's 1:1 teaching and learning program - LNS@LHS. Please review the questions and answers below to learn more information about this program.
The questions and answers are framed for parents/guardians ... but students should be able to find answers to their questions easily.
- The ABCs of LNS@LHS
- Day-to-Day
- Procedures, How-Tos, and Other Dos and Don'ts
- Financial
- Can't Find An Answer to Your Question?
Why 1:1?
We live in a digital age dominated by information. Our students are digital natives who use personal technology in almost every aspect of their lives. Education should not be an exception. We must prepare our students to live and work in a technology-driven world.
What is a Chromebook, and why was it selected?
The Chromebook is a personal laptop computer that runs the Chrome operating system. It is designed to be used primarily while connected to the Internet and supports Web-based applications, as opposed to applications that are installed on the computer. Benefits of the Chromebook include its ease of use by students; full integration with the G Suite for Education; its tendency to remain relatively virus-free; and the ease of management of the device. In addition, all system-related updates are automated.
How will this affect my student’s interaction with teachers and his/her classmates?
A 1:1 environment increases collaboration and improves student engagement. While we expect the Chromebook to become a vital resource for our students, it will be one of many tools that is used in our classrooms. The ability to collaborate with one another when not in the same place should increase the opportunities for students to work together.
Where can I learn more about G Suite for Education?
The G Suite for Education is a suite of free productivity tools for classroom collaboration. Learn more about G Suite for Education.
Will my student take the device home?
Yes. Once issued a Chromebook, a student will have the device at his/her disposal at all times as long as he/she is enrolled at Lemont High School. Students will be expected to use their Chromebooks at home for academic purposes.
How will my student be trained to use the Chromebook?
The Chromebook is simple to operate; essentially, it is a way for students to access the Internet. Students will receive a brief orientation on its use and will learn how to use G Suite for Education and other applications in various classes.
Where do students store their Chromebooks?
Students should carry their Chromebooks with them to class in their backpacks or another similar protective carrying case. Chromebooks should be stored in students' lockers when not in use. Chromebooks never should be left unattended.
What data is stored on the Chromebook?
Lemont High School takes appropriate measures to ensure the security of its student data. Google, which hosts the G Suite for Education, has systems that are among the most secure in the world. Chromebooks are designed with multiple layers of security to maintain their safety from viruses, malware and tampering. All students are issued Google accounts through the school, and using their unique log-in information, can log into any Chromebook or Chrome browser and find all of their apps, bookmarks and frequently visited Web pages thanks to Chrome Sync. Any personally identifiable data is used to power features for the person who has logged in. Google aggregates data from millions of users to improve the services it provides, but completely removes information about individual users. Learn more about how student data is protected on Chromebooks.
Does the school still need computer labs?
Yes. There are some specialized applications for certain classes in our curriculum that do not run on the Chrome operating system. The school’s computer labs will make these programs available to students.
Is the Chromebook replacing textbooks?
While the Chromebook will make available many educational resources for students, it will not replace all textbooks. Use of digital resources will increase, which likely will include the use of online textbooks when available. Students can expect to use a combination of resources, including textbooks, handouts, and digital resources.
What is the battery life for the Chromebook?
The Chromebook has a primary battery that has an expected charge of approximately 8-10 hours. Students are expected to fully charge their Chromebooks before coming to school each day.
What if my student's battery runs out of charge during the school day?
While students are expected to fully charge their Chromebooks before coming to school each day, a limited number of charging stations will be available.
What happens if my student's Chromebook does not work or he/she has trouble logging in?
Students who need assistance with their Chromebooks should visit the Student Technology Help Desk.
Can my student share his/her Chromebook with a classmate or friend?
As all students will be issued a Chromebook, there should not be a need for students to share their Chromebooks with classmates. A unique identification tag will be permanently affixed to each Chromebook.
Can my student use his/her own device instead of the Chromebook?
To provide a consistent and well managed teaching and learning experience, students will be expected to use the Chromebook issued by the school as their primary device.
If my student already has a similar device, why can't he/she use it instead of the school-issued Chromebook?
In order to provide a consistent learning environment, along with quality support for our students and their instructors, students may not use their own device in place of the Chromebook issued by the school.
The school will extend a variety of applications to all school-managed devices and cannot install those applications on students' personal devices, which are not under the school's management. In addition to the ability to push applications to the school-issued student Chromebooks, other critical needs (battery life, internal technical support, parts/repairs, etc.) also factor into the rationale for not allowing outside devices.
Teachers will plan their instruction based on the Chromebook that the school provides to its students, which will include specific features that have been determined to be most important for students to have at their disposal. With different devices in the room, teachers likely would have to spend time ensuring that all students have the same access and capabilities on their devices. This would lead to a significant loss of instructional time.
Can my student print from the Chromebook?
No. Printing will not enabled on the Chromebook. If necessary, students will be able to print in the school’s computer labs or the CITGO Innovation Academy.
Procedures, How-Tos, and Other Dos and Don'ts
What if my student forgets his or her Chromebook at home or fails to charge the Chromebook before coming to school?
The school will maintain a limited inventory of Chromebooks that can be checked out on a one-day basis in these situations.
What happens to the device at the end of the year?
As long as students are enrolled, they will keep their Chromebooks over the summer, except in the instance of the expiration of the district’s lease cycle for the Chromebooks. When that occurs, the school will communicate with students and their parents/guardians concerning the process for returning their current Chromebooks and obtaining their replacement Chromebooks. Seniors will return their Chromebooks prior to Graduation.
What should my student do if his/her Chromebook is damaged, lost or stolen?
A student whose Chromebook is lost or stolen should report the incident to the principal as soon as possible. A student’s financial responsibility will be determined by the outcome of the investigation. The student will be provided with a temporary replacement Chromebook.
Will there be any changes to the disciplinary code with the implementation of the LNS@LHS program?
No. Any disciplinary consequences that relate to the use of technology already are addressed in the school’s Student Code of Conduct. As already is the case, depending on the offense, students also may be subject to criminal investigation.
How will my student be protected from objectionable content?
The school already employs robust content filtering and content monitoring with all of its technology on campus, complying with the filtering requirements mandated by the Children's Internet Protection Act. That same filtering will be employed with all student Chromebooks while they on campus or off campus. There are many options for parents/guardians who would like additional security at home; parents/guardians should contact their Internet service providers to discuss these options. OpenDNS is a free home filtering option that can work on any device. Parents/guardians also are encouraged to visit OnGuardOnline, a federal government resource that provides information on how to keep children safe online.
Where can I learn more about student data security?
Lemont High School takes appropriate measures to ensure the security of our student data. Google, which hosts the G Suite for Education, has systems that are among the most secure in the world. Learn more about Google's efforts to protect student data.
How will the Chromebook connect to the school’s wireless network?
The Chromebook will have a built-in wireless network card that will connect to the school’s secure wireless network.
How will the Chromebook connect to home networks?
Chromebooks can connect to standard wireless networks at home if they are available. Parents/guardians should contact their Internet service providers for assistance. Parents/guardians are expected to supervise their students’ use of the Internet at home.
What if I do not have Wi-Fi access at home?
The Chromebook will work on most open wireless networks (i.e., libraries, restaurants, etc.). Those who do not have Internet access at home due to affordability issues are encouraged to contact an Internet service provider (i.e., Comcast, Sprint, AT&T, etc.), which may have low-cost options available for those with demonstrated financial need.
Can the Chromebook be used to play games?
The Chromebook can be utilized by students for personal use at appropriate times.
Can my student personalize the Chromebook with stickers or other items?
No. Students should not decorate or affix anything to the exterior of their Chromebooks. However, students may purchase a skin and personalize it (appropriately, of course).
Can my student upgrade or modify his/her Chromebook?
No. Students should not modify their Chromebooks in any way. Any necessary upgrades to the Chromebook will be done by the Education Technology Department.
My student doesn’t like using a touchpad. Can he/she use an external mouse?
Yes. Students may purchase and use a USB mouse if they wish to do so.
Will my student be provided with a carrying case for my Chromebook?
No. Students may purchase a carrying case if they wish to do so.
Will there be a cost to parents?
Yes. Parents/guardians are expected to share in a portion of the cost of the Chromebook. In December 2016, the Board of Education approved an $85 fee to help offset the cost of acquiring the necessary technology. Student fees have remained flat for several years, and a reallocation of existing budgetary funds is allowing the school's budget to cover a larger portion of the total cost of the program. Families with more than one student enrolled at Lemont High School will pay $85 for the first student, and $40 for each additional student.
Who will own the device?
Lemont High School will lease the Chromebooks and maintain full management over all student devices.
Will homeowners insurance cover the device?
Parents/guardians are encouraged to consult with their insurance agents to determine whether the Chromebook is covered by their homeowners insurance policies.
Is there an opportunity to purchase supplemental insurance?
When the Chromebook is on school property, the school’s insurance policy will cover it in the event it is stolen or in certain incidences of damage. However, once the Chromebook is off school property, the liability shifts to the student and his/her family. The school will provide information for a third-party insurance company from whom parents/guardians may purchase optional supplemental insurance if they wish to do so.
Is there a warranty on the Chromebook?
Yes. The Chromebook will come with a warranty that covers regular use. The warranty will cover accidental damage and repairs. The warranty will not cover neglect, intentional damage, theft or loss. For repairs that are covered by the warranty, students may be responsible for shipping and handling fees.
Will my student be financially responsible for the Chromebook if it is lost, damaged or stolen?
A student whose Chromebook is damaged due to neglect or intentional damage will be financially responsible for the repair or replacement of the device. If a Chromebook is lost or stolen while not on school property, a student or his/her parents/guardians should report the incident to the principal as soon as possible. A student’s financial responsibility will be determined by the outcome of the investigation.
What if I can’t afford the increase in student fees?
The fee waiver process that currently is in place will continue. Students who receive aid through the National School Lunch Program, but who have not received a fee waiver, may be responsible for reduced Chromebook fees. As with all school fees, parents/guardians may establish payment plans to cover this fee. However, please note that there is no waiver that covers the cost of repair or replacement in cases of damage, neglect or loss.