Chromebook Handbook
The Chromebook Handbook outlines the procedures and policies for families in order to protect the Chromebook investment for Lemont High School.
During the online registration process, parents/guardians and students MUST check the box associated with the Technology Use Expectations and Chromebook Handbook before a Chromebook is issued to the student.
- 1. Receiving the Chromebook
- 2. Returning the Chromebook
- 3. Taking Care of the Chromebook
- 4. Using the Chromebook at School
- 5. Managing and Saving Digital Work with a Chromebook
- 6. Operating System on the Chromebook
- 7. Technology Use Expectations
- 8. Protecting and Storing the Chromebook
- 9. Repairing/Replacing the Chromebook
- 10. Chromebook Technical Support
- 11. Statement of Responsibility
1. Receiving the Chromebook
Freshmen and transfer students receive Chromebooks with accessories on New Student Day. No fees will be levied for non-functioning and/or damaged Chromebook-related items until two weeks after the student’s initial enrollment. This should give students enough time to become aware of any problems related to their Chromebooks. Students should visit the Help Desk with any Chromebook-related issues or email
Chromebooks are intended for use at school every day.
2. Returning the Chromebook
All district owned Chromebooks must be returned upon graduation or withdrawal from the district.
Any Chromebook not returned will be considered as stolen property and law enforcement agencies will be notified and appropriate charges will be applied.
The return condition of the Chromebook and all accessories will be evaluated by the school’s Help Desk staff and appropriate charges will be applied to a student’s balance.
Consult the Chromebook Return page for a complete list of Chromebook-related charges that may apply to students.
3. Taking Care of the Chromebook
Students are responsible for the general care of the Chromebooks issued by the school. Chromebooks that are broken, or fail to work properly, must be taken to the Help Desk as soon as possible for repair or service.
District owned Chromebooks MAY NOT BE TAKEN to an outside computer service for any type of repairs or maintenance.
3a. General Precautions
Students are responsible for bringing completely charged Chromebooks to school each day.
Chromebooks should be kept away from food and drinks.
Cords, cables and removable storage devices must be inserted carefully into the Chromebook.
Chromebooks should be transported with care (please see Section 3b).
Chromebooks must remain free of any writing, drawing or stickers. A student’s name identification label is acceptable.
Vents CANNOT be covered.
Chromebooks must have a Lemont High School asset tag. Disciplinary action may result if this tag is altered or removed.
Chromebooks never should be left in a car or any unsupervised area.
3b. Carrying Chromebooks
Students never should carry their Chromebooks while the screen is open.
Students never should transport Chromebooks with the power cord plugged in, nor store Chromebooks in a case or backpack while plugged in.
Students never should move Chromebooks by lifting from the screen, and always should support Chromebooks from the bottom with the lid closed.
Students are encouraged to use a case; cases may be purchased at the Help Desk.
3c. Screen Care
Chromebook screens easily can be damaged and are particularly sensitive to damage from excessive pressure on the screen.
Students should not:
Lean or put pressure on the top of the Chromebook when it is closed.
Store the Chromebook with the screen in the open position.
Place anything near the Chromebook that could put pressure on the screen.
Place anything in a carrying case or backpack that will press against the cover.
Poke the screen with anything that will mark or scratch the screen surface.
Place anything on the keyboard before closing the lid (i.e., pens, pencils, disks).
Chromebook screens should be cleaned with a soft, dry microfiber cloth, an anti-static cloth, or electronic wipes.
3d. Asset Tags
4. Using the Chromebook at School
Students are responsible for bringing Chromebooks to all classes.
In addition to teacher expectations for Chromebook use, school messages, announcements, calendars and schedules may be accessed using the Chromebook.
- 4a. Chromebooks Left at Home
- 4b. Chromebooks Under Repair
- 4c. Charging the Chromebook
- 4d. Backgrounds and Passwords
- 4e. Sound
- 4f. Printing
- 4g. Account Access
4a. Chromebooks Left at Home
4b. Chromebooks Under Repair
4c. Charging the Chromebook
4d. Backgrounds and Passwords
Inappropriate media may not be used as a profile picture, screensaver or background.
Presence of guns, weapons, pornographic materials, inappropriate language, alcohol, drugs, gang related symbols or pictures will result in disciplinary actions.
Passwords should be protected and SHOULD NOT be shared.
4e. Sound
4f. Printing
4g. Account Access
5. Managing and Saving Digital Work with a Chromebook
- G Suite stores documents and files in the Google Cloud environment.
- With a wireless Internet connection, documents and files may be accessed from any Chromebook at any time.
- All student files should be saved to Google Drive.
- Prior to leaving the district or graduating, students may use Google Takeout to transfer and save any work to a personal Gmail account.
6. Operating System on the Chromebook
The Chromebook runs Chrome OS. No other operating system should be installed onto the Chromebook.
7. Technology Use Expectations
Lemont High School's Technology Use Expectations pertain to all students, faculty and staff who utilize any of the school's technology resources.
- 7a. General Guidelines
- 7b. Privacy and Safety
- 7c. Legal Property
- 7d. Email/Electronic Communication
- 7e. Consequences
- 7f. At Home Use
7a. General Guidelines
Students will have access to all available forms of electronic media and communication that are in support of education and research and in support of the educational goals and objectives of Lemont High School.
Students are responsible for their ethical and educational use of the school’s technology resources.
Access to Lemont High School technology resources is a privilege and not a right.
Transmission of any material that is in violation of any federal or state law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: confidential information, copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, and Chromebook viruses.
Any attempt to alter data, the configuration of a Chromebook, or the files of another user, or to use applications to bypass district forced extensions without the consent of the individual, school administrator, or technology administrator, will be considered an act of vandalism and subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the student handbook and other applicable school policies.
7b. Privacy and Safety
Students should not enter chat rooms or send chain letters without permission. If applicable, teachers may create discussion groups for communication among students for educational purposes.
Students should not open, use or change files that do not belong to them.
Students should not reveal any of the following data: full name, phone number, home address, social security number, credit card numbers, passwords, or passwords of other people.
Storage is not guaranteed to be private or confidential, as all Chromebook equipment is the property of Lemont High School.
Students who inadvertently access a website that contains obscene, pornographic or otherwise offensive material should exit the site immediately.
7c. Legal Property
Users must comply with trademark and copyright laws and all license agreements. Ignorance of the law is not immunity. If unsure, students should ask a teacher or parent/guardian.
Plagiarism is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Credit must be given to all sources used, whether quoted or summarized. This includes all forms of media on the Internet, such as graphics, movies, music and text.
Use of hacking applications is strictly prohibited and violators will be subject to discipline. Violation of applicable state or federal laws may result in criminal prosecution or disciplinary action by the district.
7d. Email/Electronic Communication
Students always should use appropriate and proper language in their communication.
Students should not transmit language and/or material that may be considered profane, obscene, abusive or offensive to others.
Should not send mass emails, chain letters or spam.
Email and communications, both sent and received, should be related to educational needs.
Email and communications are subject to inspection by the school at any time.
7e. Consequences
The student in whose name a system account and/or Chromebook hardware is issued is responsible at all times for its appropriate use.
Non-compliance with the policies of this document or the Technology Use Expectations will result in disciplinary action.
Email, network usage, and all stored files shall not be considered confidential and may be monitored at any time by designated staff to ensure appropriate use.
The district cooperates fully with local, state or federal officials in any investigation concerning or relating to violations of computer crime laws.
Contents of email and network communications are governed by Illinois laws and proper authorities will be given access to their content.
7f. At Home Use
8. Protecting and Storing the Chromebook
Chromebooks are the responsibility of the student for the duration of his/her time at Lemont High School.
- 8a. Chromebook Identification
- 8b. Account Security
- 8c. Storing the Chromebook
- 8d. Chromebooks Left in Unsupervised Areas
8a. Chromebook Identification
8b. Account Security
8c. Storing the Chromebook
8d. Chromebooks Left in Unsupervised Areas
Chromebooks should not be left in an unsupervised area, including school hallways, the Commons, computer labs, the Field House, locker rooms, unlocked classrooms, and the CITGO Innovation Academy.
Chromebooks left in an unsecured area are in danger of being stolen.
Unsupervised Chromebooks that are found should be returned to the Help Desk Staff.
9. Repairing/Replacing the Chromebook
9a. Chromebook Warranty
9b. Chromebook Repair Costs and Insurance
The student’s family is responsible for the cost of the deductible for a screen replacement.
The district reserves the right to charge for the entire replacement cost if negligence is determined on the handling of the device.
If the device is stolen, the student is responsible for obtaining a police report.
Chargers may be purchased from the Help Desk.
10. Chromebook Technical Support
11. Statement of Responsibility
11a. Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
Parents/guardians should review pertinent Board Policy, disciplinary consequences and Technology Use Expectations, as well as this document.
Parents/guardians should talk with their students about values and the standards students should follow on the use of the Internet, just as they would on the use of all media information sources such as television, telephones, movies and radio.
Parents/guardians should monitor their students’ Internet activity and instruct them on proper digital citizenship.
Parents/guardians should remind students to maintain the Chromebook as a personal learning tool in the pursuit of academic success.
11b. School Responsibilities
The school will provide Internet and email access.
The school will provide Internet filtering of inappropriate materials as able.
The school will provide network data storage areas.
The school will provide staff with professional development to guide, prepare and inspire students in their pursuit of academic success.
11c. Student Responsibilities
- Students should comply with general school rules concerning behavior and communication that apply to the Chromebook as outlined in this document, as well as all district policies, rules and procedures governing the use of technology.
- Students should use all technology resources in an appropriate manner so as not to damage school equipment. This damage includes, but is not limited to, “jailbreaking” the Chromebook, or service interruptions caused by the student’s own negligence, errors or omissions.
- Students should help the school protect the computer network and devices by contacting a teacher or technology staff about any security problems that may be encountered.
- Students should monitor all account activity and keep passwords private and uncompromised, except for disclosure to school officials as required or allowed by district policies, rules and procedures.
- Students should use technology resources in a responsible and ethical manner.
- Students should secure the Chromebook to protect all work and information.
- If a student should receive an email or other electronic message(s) containing inappropriate or abusive language, or if the subject matter is questionable, the student should notify a teacher, school administrator or technology staff.