December 2019 Students of the Month
Charity: #EllieStrong GoFundMe page
Nick Buczyna
Industrial Technology
Nick Buczyna was selected as the Freshman Student of the Month by the Industrial Technology Department. Nick’s favorite courses include Orientation to Industrial Technology, Technology Concepts and Biology. His teachers note his work is exemplary and that he consistently puts forth effort while striving to be the best he can. Nick makes class better for everyone by serving as a classroom leader who facilitates problem solving among his peers. He played on the freshman football team this fall, and plans to involve himself in more school activities. In the future, he hopes to earn a college scholarship through academics or athletics. In his free time, Nick enjoys lifting weights, volunteering, spending time with his family, hanging out with friends, and trying new things.
Caitlyn Finn
The English Department cited Caitlyn Finn as the Sophomore Student of the Month. Caitlyn is an honor roll student who most enjoys English II, Communications and Child Development. Caitlyn is applauded for using a growth mindset to proactively find success in her English courses. She enrolled in two English electives in the second semester last year, in addition to her English I course, so that she could consistently practice her skills. Through those efforts, she not only improved her grades significantly, but became an active reader and an improved writer. This year, her work has been used as examples for her classmates to model. Caitlyn hopes to join the National English Honor Society, and has designs on becoming an English teacher in the future. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, babysitting and watching Netflix.
The English Department cited Caitlyn Finn as the Sophomore Student of the Month. Caitlyn is an honor roll student who most enjoys English II, Communications and Child Development. Caitlyn is applauded for using a growth mindset to proactively find success in her English courses. She enrolled in two English electives in the second semester last year, in addition to her English I course, so that she could consistently practice her skills. Through those efforts, she not only improved her grades significantly, but became an active reader and an improved writer. This year, her work has been used as examples for her classmates to model. Caitlyn hopes to join the National English Honor Society, and has designs on becoming an English teacher in the future. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, babysitting and watching Netflix.
Justin Paluch
CITGO Innovation Academy
Justin Paluch was named as the Junior Student of the Month by the CITGO Innovation Academy. Justin is a high honor roll performer who most enjoys classes in science and mathematics. He has been part of both the boys’ golf and baseball programs, is a member of the Student Council, and has earned induction in the National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society and Mu Alpha Theta. As part of the Technology Internship Program, Justin has proven himself to be a quick learner who always is willing to teach his fellow students. He goes above and beyond, as evidenced by his becoming Google Certified. In the future, he plans on pursuing a college education and finding success in life. Justin enjoys snowboarding and playing piano.
Hailey Sawatzky
Social Studies
The Social Studies Department cited Hailey Sawatzky as the Senior Student of the Month. Hailey is a high honor roll student who has enjoyed classes in history, English and French, as well as Introduction to Teaching and Human Rights & World Affairs. Her passion for learning has a powerful impact on her classmates, and her patience and outgoing personality make her a tremendous asset in anything she does. A four-time Universal Dance Association All-American, Hailey serves as captain of the dance team and also is involved with the Sparkles dance team. She has been inducted into the National Honor Society, National English Honor Society and Rho Kappa, and has served as a Link Crew Leader. She plans on majoring in Special Education and hopes to join the dance team wherever she attends college. Hailey has worked as the head counselor at the Lemont Park District’s Safety Village and as a class assistant with the Allegro Music and Dance Academy. She enjoys reading, traveling, and going to Disney World.