December 2022 Students of the Month
Charity: SEASPAR Special Recreation Association
Gavin Rull
Industrial Technology
Gavin Rull was selected as the Freshman Student of the Month by the Industrial Technology Department. Gavin lists Integrated Math I, Orientation to Industrial Technology, and Biology among his favorite classes. His teachers applaud how he shows a genuine interest in his classes, puts forth his best effort, and gives his classmates his full attention. Gavin makes his classes a more pleasant space through his conscientiousness. He was a member of the boys’ cross country team in the fall, has become involved in the Drama Club, and plans to be part of the boys’ track and field team this spring. Gavin’s future plans include mastering Driver Education, holding at least two part-time jobs, and attending college and earning a degree. He enjoys biking, running, walking, woodworking, and spending time with his family.
Jameson Porritt
The English Department tabbed Jameson Porritt as the Sophomore Student of the Month. A high honor roll student whose academic interests include history, band, and English, Jameson is described as a phenomenal classmate who contributes to a positive classroom climate and accepts his peers’ ideas in class conversations. He has helped the Marching Band to two state runner-up finishes, and competes in Scholastic Bowl, Speech, and boys’ swimming. He is a Tri-M Music Honor Society inductee, serves as a sophomore class officer, and is involved with the Leo Club and Ellie Strong. A recent graduate of the Dyslexia Center of LaGrange, Jameson plans to pursue a degree in political science and history. He likes sailing, hunting, swimming, and music, and has performed at Carnegie Hall and other prestigious stages.
The English Department tabbed Jameson Porritt as the Sophomore Student of the Month. A high honor roll student whose academic interests include history, band, and English, Jameson is described as a phenomenal classmate who contributes to a positive classroom climate and accepts his peers’ ideas in class conversations. He has helped the Marching Band to two state runner-up finishes, and competes in Scholastic Bowl, Speech, and boys’ swimming. He is a Tri-M Music Honor Society inductee, serves as a sophomore class officer, and is involved with the Leo Club and Ellie Strong. A recent graduate of the Dyslexia Center of LaGrange, Jameson plans to pursue a degree in political science and history. He likes sailing, hunting, swimming, and music, and has performed at Carnegie Hall and other prestigious stages.
Madison Fluder
Center for Academic Vision & Excellence
Madison Fluder was cited as the Junior Student of the Month by the Center for Academic Vision and Excellence. Madison is a high honor roll student who states she most enjoys Physical Education, Modern Fiction, Integrated Math III, and Food Preparation. She initially signed up for the CAVE to have additional time to work on class material, but will transition next semester to serving as a CAVE tutor. She uses her time well and goes out of her way to assist those around her, frequently providing help for students who are enrolled in classes she already has taken. Madison recently was inducted into the National Honor Society, and also is a member of Student Council and Interact. She hopes to attend a good college and continue to volunteer. She holds part-time jobs at Salon 312 and Kohl’s, and also serves as a babysitter.
Andrew Kula
Social Studies
The Social Studies Department named Andrew Kula as the Senior Student of the Month. Andrew is a high honor roll student who is most interested in social studies, journalism, and broadcasting. Sporting a contagious positive attitude, he exudes optimism and kindness, seeks a deeper understanding of class material, and has a genuine passion for learning. Andrew has taken six AP classes within the Social Studies Department, and also serves as an officer within the Rho Kappa Social Studies Honor Society. The 2022 IHSA State Champion in Broadcast Journalism, he has earned induction to the National Honor Society, National English Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta. He also is a member of the boys’ volleyball team and the Student Advisory Board. In the future, Andrew hopes to become a broadcaster or high school teacher. In his free time, he enjoys biking, reading historical biographies, and recording his podcast (Kula’s Corner).