December 2023 Students of the Month

Charity: "Lemont v Hunger" Food Packing Event

Kyler Mierzwa

Kyler Mierzwa
Industrial Technology

Kyler Mierzwa was tabbed as the Freshman Student of the Month by the Industrial Technology Department. Kyler’s favorite classes include Technology Concepts, Orientation to Industrial Technology, and Integrated Math I Honors. He already has set himself apart as an outstanding student in industrial technology, as he works to fully understand concepts and consistently is looking for ways to improve his projects. Kyler has demonstrated attention to detail, specifically in the area of drafting, while a unit in robotics shined a light on his creativity and ability to work as part of a team. He was a member of the football team in the fall, and looks to join the boys’ track and field squad this spring. In the future, he hopes to work in a job that he enjoys doing. Kyler enjoys basketball, hanging out with his friends, and playing video games.

Adrian Martinez
Adrian Martinez
The English Department cited Adrian Martinez as the Sophomore Student of the Month. Adrian is a high honor roll student who most enjoys English II Honors and Chemistry Honors. He has been a member of the football and wrestling programs each of his first two years on campus. His teachers applaud how he consistently works hard in class and motivates his peers to do the same. Adrian is friendly, focused, and a driven student who makes the classroom better with his presence. He contributes to all discussions and communicates well. Adrian hopes to become a successful forensic scientist or engineer, but ultimately wants to help take care of his family’s needs. In his free time, he plays piano and likes working out, being around family, playing sports, and fishing.
Madelyn Colbert

Madelyn Colbert
Center for Academic Vision & Excellence

Madelyn Colbert was named as the Junior Student of the Month by the Center for Academic Vision & Excellence (CAVE). A high honor roll performer, Madelyn highly enjoys science courses, and lists Anatomy & Physiology Honors as her favorite class. She is described as the ideal CAVE student, as she comes in each day organized and focused on her work. She gets help when needed, and uses the CAVE exactly the way it was intended. Madelyn serves as Vice President of the Interact Club, is a National Honor Society and National English Honor Society inductee, and is a member of Link Crew and Student Council. After high school, she hopes to pursue studies in the medical field. Madelyn plays travel volleyball, works two part-time jobs, and enjoys cooking, shopping, reading, and hanging out with friends and family.

Emily Hunnewell

Emily Hunnewell
Social Studies

The Social Studies Department selected Emily Hunnewell as the Senior Student of the Month. Emily is a high honor roll student who most enjoys AP U.S. Government, AP Microeconomics, and Calculus. An exceptionally disciplined student, her positive attitude is contagious and helps create an engaging classroom environment. She seeks deeper understanding of class material and demonstrates a genuine passion for learning. Emily is captain of the Speech Team, holds officer roles in Rho Kappa, the National Honor Society, and the Tri-M Music Honor Society, and is a Mu Alpha Theta and National English Honor Society inductee. She also serves as the high brass section leader in three of the school’s bands. An Illinois State Scholar and AP Scholar with Honor recipient, Emily plans to double major in business administration and linguistics. In her free time, she enjoys powerlifting, cooking, seeing friends and family, and drinking coffee.