The State of Illinois Child Health Examination Form - complete with proof of the appropriate vaccinations (as required by state law) - should be on file at the school before a student begins attending courses in the fall. This must be dated on or after August 15, 2023. Students who are medically non-compliant after October 15, 2024, will be excluded from school until the proper documentation is provided to the school.
Prior to entering high school, students must show proof of the Meningitis vaccine and Tdap vaccine; two doses of both the Varicella (i.e., chicken pox) and Measles, Mumps and Rubella (i.e., MMR) vaccines; and three doses of the Hepatitis B, DTP/DTap and Polio vaccines. All vaccines must have been administered at the proper intervals. This form must be completed by an Illinois physician.
Incoming freshmen also must provide a State of Illinois Dental Examination Form, completed by the student's dentist, by May 15, 2025. This form must be dated on or after November 15, 2023.
All incoming freshmen also are encouraged to submit the State of Illinois Eye Examination Report.
All required medical forms are available by clicking below on a link for the Nurse's Office. Forms also are available for students who require medication at school, or for those who have a chronic medical condition that requires an emergency action plan. Parents/guardians who wish to submit a Certificate of Religious Exemption Form must have that form completed by a doctor and submit that form to the school.
Nurse's Office
In addition to the State of Illinois Child Health Examination Form and State of Illinois Dental Examination Form, out-of-state transfer students also are required to submit a State of Illinois Eye Examination Report, completed by an Illinois physician.
The Child Health Examination Form and State of Illinois Dental Examination Form should be on file with the school before a student begins attending classes. Parents/guardians are asked to submit that information to the school by July 1. It may be dropped off in the Main Office, mailed to the attention of the School Nurse, emailed to School Nurse Katie Dulle by clicking on her name; or faxed (Attn: School Nurse) to (630) 243-7904. The Child Health Examination Form submitted for student registration also may be used for athletic participation, and is good for the entire year if dated on or after May 15, 2024.