This page includes important information for all Lemont High School students and their parents/guardians. Visitors are encouraged to expand each of the topics below for important information for the upcoming school year.
It is very important parents/guardians complete the registration process by Friday, August 2. Parents/guardians with multiple students must complete the Online Registration Module for each student. Access to Skyward's Online Registration Module only is enabled for a student's primary guardian (i.e., "Family 1" within the Skyward Student Records System).
There will be no in-person Registration Processing Day in 2024. Physical education uniforms will be distributed in class, and student ID/yearbook photos will be taken during the day the first week of school. Parents/guardians of students who have been awarded parking permits will be contacted directly with pick-up information.
Parents/guardians who have questions about the registration process may contact Director of School & Community Relations Tony Hamilton at (630) 243-3280, or by clicking on his name to submit a message via email. Parents/guardians who have difficulty completing the online registration process will be able to request remote assistance to complete the necessary steps.
Students who are not yet enrolled at Lemont High School but will be new to the district during the 2024-25 school year should visit the New Student Enrollment page to begin the enrollment process. Please contact Registrar/Counseling Secretary Colleen Amberg with questions by calling (630) 243-3218, or by clicking on her name to send her a message via e-mail.
Lemont High School District 210 serves Lemont and portions of Darien, Downers Grove and Woodridge. Parents/guardians who wish to determine if they live within Lemont High School's boundaries should consult the district's boundary map.
2024-25 Annual Registration Information
- Important Dates
- Required Documents for Incoming Freshmen/New Transfer Students
- Students with Multiple Families
- Yearbook Photos
- New Student Day
- Counselor Assignments
- Transportation
- Dress and Appearance Guidelines
- Extra-Curricular Activities
- Support Organizations
- Student Accident Insurance
- Student Publicity
- Summer Preparation
- School Supplies
- Payment Options
- Fee Waiver Application/Payment Plans/National School Lunch Program Application
- Begin Online Registration
Important Dates
Thursday, August 8 - "Back to School Night" - 6-8 p.m.
- Students can walk their schedules and get a free treat from The Creamery!
- The Creamery will be on site for food purchases
Monday, August 12 - First Day of School - ALL STUDENTS
- Students follow the "All 8 Day" schedule
- Classes begin at 8 a.m. and release at 1 p.m.
2024-25 Calendar of
Important Dates
Please visit the Calendar page for additional calendar information or to subscribe to the school calendar.
Required Documents for Incoming Freshmen/New Transfer Students
The State of Illinois Child Health Examination Form - complete with proof of the appropriate vaccinations (as required by state law) - should be on file at the school before a freshman or new transfer student begins attending courses in the fall. This must be dated on or after August 15, 2023.
Students who are medically non-compliant after October 15, 2024, will be excluded from school until the proper documentation is provided to the school.
Prior to entering high school, students must show proof of the Meningitis vaccine and Tdap vaccine; two doses of both the Varicella (i.e., chicken pox) and Measles, Mumps and Rubella (i.e., MMR) vaccines; and three doses of the Hepatitis B, DTP/DTap and Polio vaccines. All vaccines must have been administered at the proper intervals. This form must be completed by an Illinois physician.
Freshmen and new transfer students also are required to provide a State of Illinois Dental Examination Form, completed by the student's dentist, by May 15, 2025. This must be dated on or after November 15, 2023.
Out-of-state transfer students additionally are required to submit a State of Illinois Eye Examination Report, completed by an Illinois physician. Incoming freshmen are encouraged to submit the State of Illinois Eye Examination Report.
All required medical forms are available by clicking below on a link for the Nurse's Office. Forms also are available for students who require medication at school, or for those who have a chronic medical condition that requires an emergency action plan. Parents/guardians who wish to submit a Certificate of Religious Exemption Form must have that form completed by a doctor and submit that form to the school.
Parents/guardians are asked to submit medical documentation to the school at their earliest convenience. This may be delivered in person to the Main Office during regular business hours; emailed to; or faxed to (630) 243-7904 (attn: School Nurse). The Child Health Examination Form submitted for student registration also may be used for freshman athletic participation, as long as it is completed on or after May 15, 2024.
All medical documentation - including proof of all appropriate immunizations - should be provided to the school as soon as possible.
Students with Multiple Families
Lemont High School maintains contact information for students with multiple families, including students with the following circumstances:
- Student’s parents are divorced.
- Student’s parents are separated and live at different addresses.
- Student has a non-custodial or non-residential parent/guardian living at a different address than his/her own.
Parents/guardians of students with these circumstances should download the form below and return it, along with a copy of the proper legal documentation, to Counseling Secretary/Registrar Colleen Amberg, in person in the Main Office, or via email by clicking on her name.
Second Family Information Sheet
Counseling Secretary/Registrar Colleen Amberg may be reached at (630) 243-3218, or via email by clicking on her name.
Yearbook Photos
Lemont High School's official school photographer is VIP. All students must be photographed for school purposes and the school yearbook. Students should dress appropriately on photo days.
Student ID/yearbook photos will be taken during the school day on August 15-16, 2024. Photos will be posted shortly after Picture Day at To view and select your student's photos, look for an email sent by "Visual Image Photography" or visit Lemont High School's VIP landing page and click on the 'School Portraits' image.
Seniors are expected to have their photos taken during this process, regardless if they already have had a senior portrait session or will have a session in the coming months. The school must have a current photo on file for administrative purposes.
For additional information or assistance, please contact VIP directly at
New Student Day
Friday, August 9, is New Student Day, the first day of student attendance for Lemont High School's Class of 2028. This day helps provide a smooth transition for students into the school, allowing them to familiarize themselves with the campus, learn more about the school's policies and procedures, and receive their Chromebooks.
The Class of 2028 will attend activities on campus from 8-11:45 a.m. Regular bus transportation will be available. Lunch will not be served.
This is a mandatory attendance day for freshmen!
On New Student Day, Lemont High School's Student Services Department will host all new transfer students. More information will be forthcoming for sophomores, juniors or seniors who are transferring to Lemont High School for the 2024-25 school year.
Counselor Assignments
The Student Services Chair and Lemont High School counselors provide assistance to students as they strive to reach their individual goals, meeting with them periodically to help them develop and implement a career plan. Counselors are available to assist students and parents/guardians in educational planning and career decisions. A student's counselor is determined by his or her last name.
Counseling Staff
Lemont High School students arrive at and depart from campus daily in a variety of ways, including bus transportation, personal vehicles, and by parent/guardian drop-off.
Students are eligible for general education bus transportation if they live 1.5 miles or more from Lemont High School. School administrators have assigned bus stops to students who are eligible for general education bus transportation. This information is available under the "Busing" tab in Skyward Family Access.
Within Skyward's Online Registration Module, all parents/guardians will be asked to complete a Transportation Survey for the 2024-25 school year. All parents/guardians must complete this survey.
Limited parking is available on campus for Lemont High School juniors and seniors. In order to apply for a parking permit, students must submit a completed application. All student drivers must have a valid driver's license and current auto insurance.
All of a student’s fees from the current and previous years must be paid in full for the student to be eligible to receive a parking permit. More information on parking permit applications is available from the Transportation page.
Only those personal vehicles with approved Lemont High School parking permits are allowed to park in the school's lots beginning on the first day of school.
In order to ensure student safety and diminish traffic congestion, parents/guardians who drop off or pick up their students are asked to adhere to a set of guidelines, which also are available on the Transportation page.
Dress and Appearance Guidelines
Lemont High School students are expected to dress and groom themselves in an appropriate manner. The intent of the school’s Dress and Appearance Guidelines is to promote a good learning environment without imposing undue restriction upon each individual’s freedom. The primary responsibility for student dress rests with parents/guardians and students, as long as such dress and grooming does not present a health or safety hazard or disrupt the educational process. The school hopes students’ decisions regarding dress and appearance will be governed by what the students and their parents/guardians personally know to be reasonable and appropriate for the school setting. Modesty always is appropriate.
Dress and Appearance
Students violating dress and appearance guidelines will be given an opportunity to correct the violation. The Dean or a designee will address any violation. Students may be required to return home to correct violations. When a student’s appearance disrupts the educational process, creates unnecessary attention or infringes upon the rights of others, the student may be subject to disciplinary action. In extreme cases or when a student chooses not to cooperate in correcting the situation, he/she may be subject to further disciplinary action. Students who repeatedly violate these standards may be suspended. Health and safety standards will be maintained at all times for the protection of students and property.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Lemont High School recognizes the important role extra-curricular activities play in the development of student values. All students are encouraged to participate in the school’s extra-curricular program. While extra-curricular activities enhance the educational experience for each student, a student’s first responsibility is to be successful in the classroom.
Extra-curricular opportunities are available to each student. Any student who chooses to participate in an extra-curricular activity of any type is held accountable for his/her performance in the classroom. Additionally, all of a student’s fees - including any extra-curricular activity participation fees - must be paid by the designated date in order for him/her to participate in most activities. Below, please find some important links concerning extra-curricular activities.
Activities Directory
Includes a list of non-athletic extra-curricular activities the school offers, names and contact information for activity sponsors, and the date rosters are set for each activity.
Athletics Directory
Includes a list of sports the school offers, names and contact information for varsity coaches, and the date practice begins for each sport.
Extra-Curricular Activity
Participation Fees
Includes information about the implementation, billing and processing of the fees. A schedule of when fees are due for each extra-curricular activity is included in the categories on the right side of the page. Please note that all of a student’s fees – including academic and extra-curricular fees, both from the current year and previous years – must be paid in full for the student to be eligible to participate in an extra-curricular activity.
Please visit the Athletics Registration page for information on registering for athletics. Please visit the Activities Registration page for information on registering for activities.
Parents/guardians with questions about extra-curricular activities should contact Athletics/Activities Administrative Assistant Deb Finnegan at (630) 243-3207, or by clicking on her name to send her a message via email.
Support Organizations
Lemont High School students, faculty and staff all benefit from the generous support provided by three independently run organizations: the Lemont High School Educational Foundation (LHSEF), Blue & Gold Backers, and the Band Parents Association.
Established in 2007, the Lemont High School Educational Foundation (LHSEF) has funded more than $575,000 in grants to impact the lives of Lemont High School's students and staff. The Foundation partners with the community to make lasting improvements to Lemont High School that will enhance the total educational experience for all of its students. Click the link below to learn more about the LHSEF.
Lemont High School
Educational Foundation
The LHSEF's success depends on the support it receives from the community. If you would like to make a financial contribution to support the Foundation's work, please click the "Donate Now" link below, or make a donation when paying your student's registration fees (information on how to do this through your online payment was included in your registration mailing).
Donate Now to the LHSEF
The LHSEF will host its annual "Food for Thought: Taste of Lemont" event on Saturday, September 7, from 5-11 p.m. Please click here to purchase tickets.
The LHS Blue & Gold Athletic Boosters is a parent-led, not-for-profit and an official 501(c)(3) charitable organization. The LHS Blue & Gold Athletic Boosters is excited to support Lemont High School student-athletes! It will raise funds for ALL Lemont High School athletic programs through the sale of spirit wear and concessions, as well as through special events.
All Lemont High School athletes and their parents/guardians are automatic members of the Blue & Gold Athletic Boosters, and there are no fees or dues!
Click the link below to learn more about the Blue & Gold Athletic Boosters.
LHS Blue & Gold
Athletic Boosters
Please contact the Boosters at for more information.
The Lemont High School Band Parents Association supports the school’s band directors, staff and students to ensure its award-winning music program continues to thrive. Parent involvement in activities such as chaperoning and fundraising is the organization’s key to success, and benefits hundreds of students annually. Click the link below to learn more about the Band Parents Association.
Lemont High School
Band Parents Association
The Band Parents Association engages in several fundraising activities each year.
Student Accident Insurance
Student Publicity
Throughout the school year, Lemont High School publicizes the accomplishments of its students and staff, and in doing so, utilizes information pertaining to the student, including his/her name and photo, and his/her individual work, among other information. Reasons for publicity include, but are not limited to: academic awards, honors, and participation in school-sponsored activities and organizations (including athletics). This publicity can come in several forms, including placements on the school's website or social media.
Parents/guardians who DO NOT wish to have their student’s name or information used for publicity purposes may download the Student Information for Publicity Purposes form and return it to Director of School and Community Relations Tony Hamilton no later than the last Friday, August 30. A record of students whose information is not to be used for any publicity purpose will be maintained.
Parents/guardians should ONLY return the form if they DO NOT wish for the school to publicize their students' academic and/or extra-curricular accomplishments during the school year.
When requested, Lemont High School provides directory information for its students to outside entities, including military recruiters and postsecondary educational institutions. The school must provide this information, unless a student's parent/guardian requests that it not be disclosed. Parents/guardians who do not want military recruiters and/or institutions of higher learning to be given their students' directory information should contact Counseling Secretary/Registrar Colleen Amberg by calling (630) 243-3218, or via email by clicking on her name.
Summer Preparation
Over the summer, many students will be required to read various works depending on what English course they will be enrolled in next year.
Many Lemont High School courses require students to complete homework over the summer so that they can hit the ground running in those courses when the fall semester arrives.
Please click below to learn more about summer reading and summer homework.
Summer Preparation
School Supplies
All students will need the following item for the 2024-25 school year:
- 1/8” Personal Listening Device (i.e., headphones, ear buds, etc.) - or PLD - that can be used with the school-issued Chromebook in all classes. It is very important that this PLD include a microphone!
Normal items (pencils, pens, folders, highlighters) are needed for most classes. Teachers will make students aware of any other course-specific supply needs.
Payment Options
It is important for all Lemont High School students to resolve their financial obligations. Parents/guardians have several options to pay their students' registration fees, including cash, check and credit card/debit card.
All of a student’s fees – including academic and extra-curricular fees, both from the current year and previous years – must be paid in full for the student to be eligible to participate in an extra-curricular activity, receive a parking permit, participate in 'Behind the Wheel' Driver Education training, and pick up his/her yearbook.
Please note: All students are issued a Chromebook as part of the LNS@LHS Teaching and Learning Program. Each student's fees includes an $85 technology fee to offset the cost of acquiring the necessary technology. Families with more than one student enrolled at Lemont High School will pay $85 for the first student, and $40 for each additional student.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to pay registration fees online via credit card or debit card through RevTrak, a trusted partner of Lemont High School. Paying registration fees online through RevTrak instantly updates a student's account, and also improves efficiency within the school's Business Office. Parents/guardians who have questions concerning how to make an online payment should click the link below for more information.
Online Payment Instructions
Parents/guardians who have questions about RevTrak may contact Jordan Smuksta in the Business Office. She can be reached at (630) 243-3284, or via email by clicking on her name.
Parents/guardians who wish to pay registration fees with cash should do so in person in the school's Main Office during regular business hours. Parents/guardians are encouraged not to mail cash to Lemont High School.
Parents/guardians who wish to pay registration fees with a personal check may do so in person in the school's Main Office during regular business hours or by mailing it to the school (attn: Judy Morton). Parents/guardians are asked to include their students' names on the 'Memo' line on the check.
Please note that families who previously have had personal checks to Lemont High School District 210 returned due to non-sufficient funds (i.e., NSF) may be required to pay their fees with cash, a credit card, or by certified check or money order.
Fee Waiver Application/Payment Plans/National School Lunch Program Application
Parents/guardians who, due to financial hardship, do not feel they can afford to pay their students' registration fees, should click on the link below to download the fee waiver application and eligibility requirements, then follow the instructions to submit the application. Please visit the Student Fees Chart to determine what items are not covered by a fee waiver.
Parents/guardians who feel they cannot pay the full amount of their students' fees - including any registration fees or Extra-Curricular Activity Participation Fee(s) - may establish a payment plan for the amount due. An initial payment is expected in order to establish a payment plan for student fees. An initial payment of at least one-third of the amount due is required to develop a payment plan for Extra-Curricular Activity Participation Fees. Please click the link below to download a payment plan application.
Parents/guardians who wish to apply for free or reduced price lunches through the National School Lunch Program should click the link below to download the eligibility requirements and application, then follow the instructions to submit the application.
National School Lunch Program
Parents/guardians with questions about submitting a fee waiver application, establishing a payment plan or applying for the National School Lunch Program should contact Jordan Smuksta in the Business Office. She can be reached at (630) 243-3284, or via email by clicking on her name.
Begin Online Registration
To register a student, please click on the link below and log in to Skyward's Family Access system. The registration window will open on Tuesday, July 23.
Once logged in, click on "Annual Registration" on the left side of the page. Though some steps do not pertain to each student, all parents/guardians must complete each step.
Parents/guardians with multiple students must complete the Online Registration Module for each student. Within the Skyward Family Access system, different students may be chosen from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen.